Q: How to remove and refit steering knuckle on Toyota Echo?
A: To remove the relevant wheel trim or wheel centre cover for alloy wheels, access the driveshaft nut and use a hammer and punch to relieve the staking on it. Ensure the handbrake is applied, ideally with an assistant applying the footbrake, then slacken the driveshaft nut with a suitable socket and extension bar, loosening it almost to the end of its threads without removing it. Apply the handbrake, slacken the front wheel nuts, jack up the front of the car, and support it securely on axle stands before removing the roadwheel and engine lower cover. Unscrew the bolts securing the brake caliper mounting bracket to the swivel hub, slide the caliper/bracket assembly from the hub and brake disc without removing the brake pads, and suspend it from the strut coil spring using wire or string. Mark the brake disc in relation to the hub, remove any retaining clips or washers, and withdraw it from the hub. For models with ABS, unscrew the wheel sensor retaining bolt and withdraw the sensor without disconnecting its wiring, taking care to avoid damage. Remove the split pin, slacken the tie-rod end balljoint nut, and disconnect the balljoint from the swivel hub using a separator tool, ensuring the rubber seal is not damaged. Remove the spring clip, slacken the lower arm balljoint nut, and free the balljoint from the swivel hub, using a screwdriver if necessary while protecting the rubber seal. Remove the nuts from the bolts securing the swivel hub to the suspension strut, noting the bolt orientation, then support the hub and tap the bolts out. Release the splined end of the driveshaft from the hub, applying considerable force if necessary, and protect the threads while tapping it out. Once released, remove and discard the driveshaft nut, then pull the hub outwards and the driveshaft inwards to separate them, ensuring not to bend the driveshaft excessively. For refitting, reverse the removal process, fitting the swivel hub-to-strut bolts from the front and oiling the nut threads, using new split pins and spring clips, and a new driveshaft nut. Tighten the tie-rod end and lower arm balljoint nuts as needed to fit the split pin and spring clip, and do not fully tighten the driveshaft nut until the car is on its wheels, ensuring all fixings are tightened to the specified torque and checking the front wheel alignment upon completion.