Q: How to inspect and replace Drag Link,Idler Arm,Pitman Arm and Tie Rod End on 4WD Toyota T100?
A: The steering linkage connects the steering gear to the front wheels, ensuring proper alignment between them and consists of components such as the Pitman arm, idler arm, relay rod, two adjustable tie-rods, and a steering damper. The Pitman arm, attached to the steering gear shaft, moves the relay rod, which is supported by the idler arm, transmitting motion to the steering knuckles via tie-rod assemblies. To inspect, set the wheels straight and lock the steering wheel, then raise one side of the vehicle and mount a dial indicator on the wheel's edge. Wiggle the wheel and check the gauge reading, which should be under 0.108-inch; if it exceeds this, inspect the linkage for looseness. Raise the vehicle on jack stands and apply force to the idler arm's relay rod end, measuring travel; if it exceeds 3/16-inch, replace the idler arm. Check for torn boots, frozen joints, and damaged components. For tie-rod replacement, loosen lug nuts, raise the vehicle, and remove the wheel. Loosen the castellated nut(s) on the ballstud(s) and use a puller to separate the outer tie-rod end if necessary. Measure the adjuster tube distance before replacing tie-rod ends, lubricate, and adjust to the measured dimension. Tighten the ballstud nut(s) and install a new cotter pin, ensuring proper alignment. For the idler arm, raise the vehicle, loosen the nut, and separate it from the relay rod, then install the new arm and tighten the nut. For the relay rod, raise the vehicle, separate the inner tie-rod ends, and install in reverse order, ensuring all nuts are tightened. For the Pitman arm, raise the vehicle, loosen the relay rod nut, and use a puller to remove it, checking for damage before reinstalling. Inspect the steering damper for leaks and wear, testing its resistance by extending and compressing it; replace if necessary. Finally, remove and reinstall the damper, ensuring all fasteners are secure.